I am officially on Thanksgiving vacation. Finally, on fucking vacation. It has been a long week, one that saw the last vestiges of my patience disappear WAY too quickly. One of those weeks when I was ready to throttle *someone* by the end of Monday afternoon, and that never bodes well for the days that follow. I now have eight blessed days of freedom away from TSB, and away from the Demon Spawn. I realize it seems like an extraordinarily long break for Thanksgiving, but considering half of our school is residential, it is too costly for the State to bus the students in for two and a half days before sending them right back home.
It has been, however, an exceedingly productive week outside of work. I have done quite a bit of Christmas shopping, as well as Christmas decoration shopping! I am now the proud owner of quaint snowmen, festive candles, themed kitchen towels, glinting candlesticks, and more. It all makes me deliriously happy. I hope to put the Christmas tree up Sunday, as well as the final touches around the house. I've always enjoyed the holiday season, but this year the joviality has bitten me ferociously. I have been craving Christmas music, admiring the decorations in stores, PRAYING for winter weather... this is our first Christmas together while living together, as well as my first real Christmas as an adult. I am no longer in school - no longer at my mom's. I am in my own house with my very own cheesy red and green coasters, and I freaking love it!
We also have completely rearranged the living room - no small feat, I assure you. Our previous set up (and the one Alec had since he moved in) had the three couches creating a boxed off area that centered around the TV mounted on the only plain wall. In the end, we moved the TV off center beside the window, and have moved the couches to a 'U' toward the front door, opening and enlarging the entire room. The difference is astounding. I never realized how big the room actually is. I also never realized how much stuff was in here o.O I am sitting in the only seat that isn't piled with books, cables, magazines and all the other crap you don't know what to do with, but you can't seem to get rid of. Last night I found out that Alec has a saxophone, AND that it's been sitting beside the couch since I've known him o.O It's coming along very nicely though. We should be done by the time the guys come over tomorrow afternoon.
I am currently sitting in the living room and watching Alec put together our new AV console. It is taking the place of the metal and glass, tower-monstrosity that dominated the space next to the TV. The new one is long and low, and sits beneath the TV. It is made of wood and black glass, and looks like an actual piece of furniture; one you are fond of, rather than using what works because it is there.
Lillah has positively loved the chaos that has been going on this week. Every time we moved a piece of furniture or shuffled a pile, she felt the need to crawl all over everything, attack our screws, and make sure that she is in the way at all possible times. Right now she is sprawled on top of the packing (that I need to throw away) from the console box. You know, the stuff that is in the middle of the floor. IN THE MIDDLE OF THE WAY. *sigh* Even when she's not lying on me I am completely paralyzed by the Cute Fuzzy, and I find it impossible to move her.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
North Westerny Goodness
About a month ago, Alec and I went to Seattle for four days. Our Original reason for going was to go to PAX , which was, unfortunately, the same weekend as Dragon*Con. *cry* But Alec wanted to cream is jeans over video games, and I wanted to see Seattle ;o) So, we compromised and decided to go to Dragon*Con next year. Overall, PAX was pretty cool, and there were very distinct comparisons.
~ For instance, PAX is much smaller, and it was REALLY nice to have the entire con in one building. There were probably 10 to 15k people, versus... jesus... maybe 50k at Dragon*Con? (The unofficial count at D*C is 30k , but that is only to not get nailed by fire codes). If you've never been there, it is I.N.S.A.N.E.L.Y. crowded and spread over four hotels. Meaning, if you want to see this person on this panel, it will be blocks away from where you are, and from where you want to be afterward. Plus, you will have to plan far enough ahead so you have time, due to the thousands of people you will have to wade through to get there. ~ I will tell you now, that PAX is probably the only con in existence that I did not have to wait in line at the restroom. Females are probably outnumbered 10 to 1. Being outnumbered isn't specifically an advantage, but not waiting half an hour to pee certainly is ;o)
~ I was disappointed (but not surprised) at the lack of cosplay at PAX, but I will admit it was actually kind of nice not to be surrounded by flagrant exhibitionists. A lot of D*C's appeal is the fact that almost everyone is dressed up in some way. And many of them are so cool!!! However... along with the really awesome costumes that make your geekdar explode with gooey happiness, there are just as many people who dress up as the stupidest or the raunchiest thing they can think of, just so people will take their picture. I was sad to miss the steampunk, but I can only take so many goth lolitas o.O
~ As nice as it was to be away from the pleather and fishnets, it was a tad disturbing to see soooo many computer geeks. On an individual level there were clear differences, but on a large scale everyone seemed eerily identical. 95% of the attendees were dressed in jeans and a black t-shirt with varrying sarcastic phrases. I originally packed with some girly clothes I planned on wearing, but that idea quickly went out the window as I discovered I would stick out like a sore thumb. So, I wore a few of Alec's shirts, and managed to look like I wasn't an alien. The first day, when we were standing in line for what we thought was registration, I saw more DSes than I ever have in my entire life. We also saw a substantially greater concentration of iPhones and Kindles than we have before. I won't deny that we blended with our surroundings far to easily, but I simply didn't expect it. I guess a techno geek is a techno geek is a techno geek, regardless of age or location.
~ There was one other key difference we noticed. At D*C the number of unwashed and stinky people was staggering. No doubt a combination of close quarters and heat; the surprising large number of people sleeping under tables and in corners (thus without access to showering facilities); as well as the statistically high number of socially inept individuals who don't understand the concept of personal hygiene. PAX, however, was blessedly free of B.O.
~ I still prefer the theme of D*C over that of PAX's. I like video games, don't get me wrong, but that's all PAX is about. The exhibitors hall was wall to wall PCs, consoles, and TVs set up with every game for every system that was soon to be released. I prefer fantasy and sci-fi, and absolutely LOVE the vendors halls at D*C. There are many things to covet! Unfortunately any vendor that /might/ go to PAX wouldn't pass up the opportunity to sell at D*C. I hoped there might be a nifty t-shirt or some pretty dice to buy. Sadly... no :o(
While we were there, we stayed with Alec's friend, Brian, and his husband, Jeff. PAX was the reason we went to Seattle, and Brian and Jeff were the reason we had a FABULOUS time! :oD Alec and I had far too many similarities with Brian and Jeff. Within an hour of meeting them I was chatting with them as if I had known them for years, and within a day Jeff and I were finishing each other's sentences! It was truly a fantastic weekend :o) We ate dinner on the dock of Lake Washington; were personally driven to the most scenic (and often little known) views of Seattle; took a wonderful touristy amphibious vehicle tour; and took a ferry across Puget Sound. We want to move there, and we want to move there now :oD
For the sake of everyone, including my sanity, here is a link the flickr set. I cannot be bothered to A) pick which to post, there are just too many, and B) post them all >.<
~ For instance, PAX is much smaller, and it was REALLY nice to have the entire con in one building. There were probably 10 to 15k people, versus... jesus... maybe 50k at Dragon*Con? (The unofficial count at D*C is 30k , but that is only to not get nailed by fire codes). If you've never been there, it is I.N.S.A.N.E.L.Y. crowded and spread over four hotels. Meaning, if you want to see this person on this panel, it will be blocks away from where you are, and from where you want to be afterward. Plus, you will have to plan far enough ahead so you have time, due to the thousands of people you will have to wade through to get there. ~ I will tell you now, that PAX is probably the only con in existence that I did not have to wait in line at the restroom. Females are probably outnumbered 10 to 1. Being outnumbered isn't specifically an advantage, but not waiting half an hour to pee certainly is ;o)
~ I was disappointed (but not surprised) at the lack of cosplay at PAX, but I will admit it was actually kind of nice not to be surrounded by flagrant exhibitionists. A lot of D*C's appeal is the fact that almost everyone is dressed up in some way. And many of them are so cool!!! However... along with the really awesome costumes that make your geekdar explode with gooey happiness, there are just as many people who dress up as the stupidest or the raunchiest thing they can think of, just so people will take their picture. I was sad to miss the steampunk, but I can only take so many goth lolitas o.O
~ As nice as it was to be away from the pleather and fishnets, it was a tad disturbing to see soooo many computer geeks. On an individual level there were clear differences, but on a large scale everyone seemed eerily identical. 95% of the attendees were dressed in jeans and a black t-shirt with varrying sarcastic phrases. I originally packed with some girly clothes I planned on wearing, but that idea quickly went out the window as I discovered I would stick out like a sore thumb. So, I wore a few of Alec's shirts, and managed to look like I wasn't an alien. The first day, when we were standing in line for what we thought was registration, I saw more DSes than I ever have in my entire life. We also saw a substantially greater concentration of iPhones and Kindles than we have before. I won't deny that we blended with our surroundings far to easily, but I simply didn't expect it. I guess a techno geek is a techno geek is a techno geek, regardless of age or location.
~ There was one other key difference we noticed. At D*C the number of unwashed and stinky people was staggering. No doubt a combination of close quarters and heat; the surprising large number of people sleeping under tables and in corners (thus without access to showering facilities); as well as the statistically high number of socially inept individuals who don't understand the concept of personal hygiene. PAX, however, was blessedly free of B.O.
~ I still prefer the theme of D*C over that of PAX's. I like video games, don't get me wrong, but that's all PAX is about. The exhibitors hall was wall to wall PCs, consoles, and TVs set up with every game for every system that was soon to be released. I prefer fantasy and sci-fi, and absolutely LOVE the vendors halls at D*C. There are many things to covet! Unfortunately any vendor that /might/ go to PAX wouldn't pass up the opportunity to sell at D*C. I hoped there might be a nifty t-shirt or some pretty dice to buy. Sadly... no :o(
While we were there, we stayed with Alec's friend, Brian, and his husband, Jeff. PAX was the reason we went to Seattle, and Brian and Jeff were the reason we had a FABULOUS time! :oD Alec and I had far too many similarities with Brian and Jeff. Within an hour of meeting them I was chatting with them as if I had known them for years, and within a day Jeff and I were finishing each other's sentences! It was truly a fantastic weekend :o) We ate dinner on the dock of Lake Washington; were personally driven to the most scenic (and often little known) views of Seattle; took a wonderful touristy amphibious vehicle tour; and took a ferry across Puget Sound. We want to move there, and we want to move there now :oD
For the sake of everyone, including my sanity, here is a link the flickr set. I cannot be bothered to A) pick which to post, there are just too many, and B) post them all >.<
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Seattle or Bust!
I have been informed that I have disappeared again from the intarwebs :o\ My apologies, dear gods of the intarwebs, I shall strive to be better ;o)
Anyway... work has been crazy the last few days. The kids have been insane and screaming constantly. It's enough to make me want to clamp my hand over their mouths and say, "Shut up!Shut up! Shut up!" We've also had an issue with a student whose shoes are two sizes too small, and he has blisters the size of nickels on his toes. We've been struggling to deal with the issue for a couple weeks now, and notes from the teacher hasn't helped. Notes from the Occupational Therapist hasn't helped. Finally, the clinic got involved and told Dad (Mom is really the problem here, but she wouldn't answer the phone) that the child couldn't come back to school until he has new shoes. YAY! Go nurses!!! Actually putting their foot down and standing up to neglectful parents! :oD If it were the case that they didn't have the money, that would be one thing, and the child would have a pair of "school" shoes by the end of the day. However, that is not the case, as Dad works for Web MD, Mom is a stay at home mo... - sorry, stay at home DIVA, and Deidree saw Mom and his sister shopping for back to school clothes at GAP (with bags from Aeropostal) this summer. When asked what she was getting for our student (who has been wearing the same clothes for three years, and I am not exaggerating), she flat our replied that the shopping was only for the sister.
You can bet the farm that he'll be here today, with a new pair of shoes.
In other news, it is Thursday morning, and in a couple hours Alec and I are flying to Seattle to go to the Penny Arcade Expo! We're going to be staying with his friend Brian, and coming back Monday. Alec is very excited about PAX, and I am more excited about Seattle :oD While we're there we're going to take a peek at real estate in the area, because you never know :o)
Going to finish up packing! :o)
Anyway... work has been crazy the last few days. The kids have been insane and screaming constantly. It's enough to make me want to clamp my hand over their mouths and say, "Shut up!Shut up! Shut up!" We've also had an issue with a student whose shoes are two sizes too small, and he has blisters the size of nickels on his toes. We've been struggling to deal with the issue for a couple weeks now, and notes from the teacher hasn't helped. Notes from the Occupational Therapist hasn't helped. Finally, the clinic got involved and told Dad (Mom is really the problem here, but she wouldn't answer the phone) that the child couldn't come back to school until he has new shoes. YAY! Go nurses!!! Actually putting their foot down and standing up to neglectful parents! :oD If it were the case that they didn't have the money, that would be one thing, and the child would have a pair of "school" shoes by the end of the day. However, that is not the case, as Dad works for Web MD, Mom is a stay at home mo... - sorry, stay at home DIVA, and Deidree saw Mom and his sister shopping for back to school clothes at GAP (with bags from Aeropostal) this summer. When asked what she was getting for our student (who has been wearing the same clothes for three years, and I am not exaggerating), she flat our replied that the shopping was only for the sister.
You can bet the farm that he'll be here today, with a new pair of shoes.
In other news, it is Thursday morning, and in a couple hours Alec and I are flying to Seattle to go to the Penny Arcade Expo! We're going to be staying with his friend Brian, and coming back Monday. Alec is very excited about PAX, and I am more excited about Seattle :oD While we're there we're going to take a peek at real estate in the area, because you never know :o)
Going to finish up packing! :o)
Monday, July 14, 2008
Sexy and Cute. What more could you ask for?
Alright... let's try this again! I got a huge start on a blog last week, and then our power went out o.O I was too stubborn to start again, so I've been putting it off for days.
Weeks ago, I mentioned I was going to an Eddie Izzard show. It was awesome :o) The show was called Stripped, and I guess you might say it was his satirical interpretation of the evolution of man and religion. I loved the fact that he said that Americans are wacko about their religion. It wasn't necessarily his funniest show ever, but I very much enjoyed it. I was surprised at the some of the little bits he threw in. I can't remember hardly any of them now, but he mentioned the (at the time) upcoming release of the new iphone, and several geek culture things. The one thing that annoyed me a bit was that he had this one joke with a lengthy and slightly repetitive setup that he used several times. After the 3rd or so time I couldn't help but sit there thinking, "We get it already." Apparently, however, out of the four of us, I was the only one bothered by it. So it's probably in my head :o) During the show he made mention to the fact that he is a transvestite, but left it at that. He wasn't particularly dressed in drag, so I took it as a way of saying, "No I didn't make the whole thing up for the 80s and 90s." He was wearing a pair of jeans, nice black shoes with a slight heel, grey shirt, and a black tailored jacket/coat that was short and fitted in the front with long tails in the back. The lining of the coat was a deep red. I personally think he looked very good! I felt it was a very attractive compromise of transvestite and taking-my-television-and-movie-career-seriously. And I will the first to admit... the current Eddie Izzard, you know, the one with short dark hair and goatee... very sexy.

Weeks ago, I mentioned I was going to an Eddie Izzard show. It was awesome :o) The show was called Stripped, and I guess you might say it was his satirical interpretation of the evolution of man and religion. I loved the fact that he said that Americans are wacko about their religion. It wasn't necessarily his funniest show ever, but I very much enjoyed it. I was surprised at the some of the little bits he threw in. I can't remember hardly any of them now, but he mentioned the (at the time) upcoming release of the new iphone, and several geek culture things. The one thing that annoyed me a bit was that he had this one joke with a lengthy and slightly repetitive setup that he used several times. After the 3rd or so time I couldn't help but sit there thinking, "We get it already." Apparently, however, out of the four of us, I was the only one bothered by it. So it's probably in my head :o) During the show he made mention to the fact that he is a transvestite, but left it at that. He wasn't particularly dressed in drag, so I took it as a way of saying, "No I didn't make the whole thing up for the 80s and 90s." He was wearing a pair of jeans, nice black shoes with a slight heel, grey shirt, and a black tailored jacket/coat that was short and fitted in the front with long tails in the back. The lining of the coat was a deep red. I personally think he looked very good! I felt it was a very attractive compromise of transvestite and taking-my-television-and-movie-career-seriously. And I will the first to admit... the current Eddie Izzard, you know, the one with short dark hair and goatee... very sexy.

Ooooo! I found someone on flickr who took pictures of the show (different venue).
Also, we got a kitteh! I can't say that without grinning :o) Alec and I have been dying for a pet. We both grew up with a steady stream of cats and dogs, and it felt empty not to have an adorable animal on which to lavish obscene amounts of affection. We've been dragging our heels on it though. Alec is mildly allergic to cats, and our current location is not suitable for our type (mostly his type, I'm a cat person through and through) of dog. I will just be honest; I do not want a dog if I would have to walk it. I want to be able to let it out the back door and be done with it. If I had to walk a dog every time it needed to use the bathroom I would grow resentful, and no pet deserves that. So... it just wasn't an option. Besides, neither of us particularly wanted a lap dog, he would want at least lab sized. We BOTH wanted a cat, but the allergies kept stopping us. However, the one strong BUT was the fact that Alec was not allergic to Kira -- who has since died... by the way :o.. About a month ago. She had disappeared for a couple days, an Mom was starting to get worried. She woke up in the middle of the night and had a horrible feeling so she went searching the yard with a flashlight. She found her curled up at the base of the tree toward the front of the yard. She probably had been there a day or so. We don't know why she died, seeing as she hadn't been attacked, but also hadn't been acting ill. It was sad :o.. But anyway... -- So Alec wasn't allergic to Kira, and we had hopes that we could magically find another cat that wouldn't cause him to suffer. We started looking around pet finder and found some Maine Coon (mix) kittens. After a quick search about them, they are supposedly gentler on allergy sufferers. It didn't take long for us to lose all willpower against the cute fluffiness. We went the next day and picked out Lillah, who came home with us the next week :o) We bought a couple of air purifiers for the living room and the computer room (where we spend 90% of our time) and Alec has been taking Claritin as a preventative. BUT! Yesterday he forgot, and it wasn't until the evening that he started to get slight scratching in his throat that reminded him he didn't take it that morning. We are encouraged. Without a doubt, we couldn't have asked for a better kitty. She is isn't afraid of people, and LOVES to snuggle. She makes these wonderful little chirpy noises, purrs everytime we pick her up, and doesn't mind when I kiss on her or play with her feet. Oh, and her favorite sound is a d20 hitting the table ;o) *squeeeeeepop!*
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
No longer that girl you once knew.
Hey, Guys! This is a terribly short, and terribly poor example of an update, but I thought it was time I poked my head in here again :o)
Things have been great around here. In general, it hasn't been anything major, but just the very pleasant day-to-day life that is more comforting than I ever expected. As some of you know, I officially moved in with Alec at the beginning of March, and have had a good time wiggling myself into my surroundings :o) A while ago, Alec and I stopped beating around the bush and talked about getting married. A couple weeks ago, Alec asked me to marry him :oD May has turned into an INCREDIBLY busy month, and we have only had time to window shop locations from websites. When we have an official date, I will definitely let you know, but as of now I have my fingers crossed for about this time next year - early May.
I realize that is a very brief synopsis of.. what? the last four months? But I figured every little bit counts :o)
I realize that this may all seem a bit deja vu, and I can imagine there are even some who might think I am rushing things... but I have learned that I firmly believe everything happens for a reason. There is a reason Jamie and I fell apart, and a reason I got the job at Red Lobster (where I once waited on a blond haired, blue-eyed geek with a wonderful sense of humor :o) ) Alec is different from my past relationships. Different in all the ways I didn't realize were important. To put it simply, it's a grown up relationship. It's not an ooey gooey whirlwind romance. It's stability, it's teamwork, and it's communication. We share common ideas, goals and opinions about what we are looking for in our lives and our partner. We don't love absolutely everything about each other, but we are both willing to be open about and accepting of the unpleasant things. He is the man I want to spend my life with. Not because I think "love will stand the test of time," or because I think our relationship will forever stay exactly as it is now. But because I believe that we will both be willing to grow, to change, and to work for our relationship - regardless of the obstacles are thrown our way. I respect him more than any other man I have met, and I wholly know that that respect is mutual.
Things have been great around here. In general, it hasn't been anything major, but just the very pleasant day-to-day life that is more comforting than I ever expected. As some of you know, I officially moved in with Alec at the beginning of March, and have had a good time wiggling myself into my surroundings :o) A while ago, Alec and I stopped beating around the bush and talked about getting married. A couple weeks ago, Alec asked me to marry him :oD May has turned into an INCREDIBLY busy month, and we have only had time to window shop locations from websites. When we have an official date, I will definitely let you know, but as of now I have my fingers crossed for about this time next year - early May.
I realize that is a very brief synopsis of.. what? the last four months? But I figured every little bit counts :o)
I realize that this may all seem a bit deja vu, and I can imagine there are even some who might think I am rushing things... but I have learned that I firmly believe everything happens for a reason. There is a reason Jamie and I fell apart, and a reason I got the job at Red Lobster (where I once waited on a blond haired, blue-eyed geek with a wonderful sense of humor :o) ) Alec is different from my past relationships. Different in all the ways I didn't realize were important. To put it simply, it's a grown up relationship. It's not an ooey gooey whirlwind romance. It's stability, it's teamwork, and it's communication. We share common ideas, goals and opinions about what we are looking for in our lives and our partner. We don't love absolutely everything about each other, but we are both willing to be open about and accepting of the unpleasant things. He is the man I want to spend my life with. Not because I think "love will stand the test of time," or because I think our relationship will forever stay exactly as it is now. But because I believe that we will both be willing to grow, to change, and to work for our relationship - regardless of the obstacles are thrown our way. I respect him more than any other man I have met, and I wholly know that that respect is mutual.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Oh, the geekery!
Alec recently was given the board game Arkham Horror as a late Christmas present, and let me tell you, it is pretty freaking cool! :o) It's based off the dark and monster-filed novels by H.P. Lovecraft, and features the locations, monsters, characters and ancient ones (Of course, Cthulu is included) of the books. I haven't read them, but Alec has, and it was quite amusing to see him geek all over himself. Regardless, this is one of the better board games I have played, and I highly recommend it to anyone who values the intelligence and creativity that goes into such games.

Monday, January 21, 2008
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