Monday, September 29, 2008


Gods, when I have a baby, I am going to be pathetic ;o)

North Westerny Goodness

About a month ago, Alec and I went to Seattle for four days. Our Original reason for going was to go to PAX , which was, unfortunately, the same weekend as Dragon*Con. *cry* But Alec wanted to cream is jeans over video games, and I wanted to see Seattle ;o) So, we compromised and decided to go to Dragon*Con next year. Overall, PAX was pretty cool, and there were very distinct comparisons.

~ For instance, PAX is much smaller, and it was REALLY nice to have the entire con in one building. There were probably 10 to 15k people, versus... jesus... maybe 50k at Dragon*Con? (The unofficial count at D*C is 30k , but that is only to not get nailed by fire codes). If you've never been there, it is I.N.S.A.N.E.L.Y. crowded and spread over four hotels. Meaning, if you want to see this person on this panel, it will be blocks away from where you are, and from where you want to be afterward. Plus, you will have to plan far enough ahead so you have time, due to the thousands of people you will have to wade through to get there. ~ I will tell you now, that PAX is probably the only con in existence that I did not have to wait in line at the restroom. Females are probably outnumbered 10 to 1. Being outnumbered isn't specifically an advantage, but not waiting half an hour to pee certainly is ;o)

~ I was disappointed (but not surprised) at the lack of cosplay at PAX, but I will admit it was actually kind of nice not to be surrounded by flagrant exhibitionists. A lot of D*C's appeal is the fact that almost everyone is dressed up in some way. And many of them are so cool!!! However... along with the really awesome costumes that make your geekdar explode with gooey happiness, there are just as many people who dress up as the stupidest or the raunchiest thing they can think of, just so people will take their picture. I was sad to miss the steampunk, but I can only take so many goth lolitas o.O

~ As nice as it was to be away from the pleather and fishnets, it was a tad disturbing to see soooo many computer geeks. On an individual level there were clear differences, but on a large scale everyone seemed eerily identical. 95% of the attendees were dressed in jeans and a black t-shirt with varrying sarcastic phrases. I originally packed with some girly clothes I planned on wearing, but that idea quickly went out the window as I discovered I would stick out like a sore thumb. So, I wore a few of Alec's shirts, and managed to look like I wasn't an alien. The first day, when we were standing in line for what we thought was registration, I saw more DSes than I ever have in my entire life. We also saw a substantially greater concentration of iPhones and Kindles than we have before. I won't deny that we blended with our surroundings far to easily, but I simply didn't expect it. I guess a techno geek is a techno geek is a techno geek, regardless of age or location.

~ There was one other key difference we noticed. At D*C the number of unwashed and stinky people was staggering. No doubt a combination of close quarters and heat; the surprising large number of people sleeping under tables and in corners (thus without access to showering facilities); as well as the statistically high number of socially inept individuals who don't understand the concept of personal hygiene. PAX, however, was blessedly free of B.O.

~ I still prefer the theme of D*C over that of PAX's. I like video games, don't get me wrong, but that's all PAX is about. The exhibitors hall was wall to wall PCs, consoles, and TVs set up with every game for every system that was soon to be released. I prefer fantasy and sci-fi, and absolutely LOVE the vendors halls at D*C. There are many things to covet! Unfortunately any vendor that /might/ go to PAX wouldn't pass up the opportunity to sell at D*C. I hoped there might be a nifty t-shirt or some pretty dice to buy. Sadly... no :o(


While we were there, we stayed with Alec's friend, Brian, and his husband, Jeff. PAX was the reason we went to Seattle, and Brian and Jeff were the reason we had a FABULOUS time! :oD Alec and I had far too many similarities with Brian and Jeff. Within an hour of meeting them I was chatting with them as if I had known them for years, and within a day Jeff and I were finishing each other's sentences! It was truly a fantastic weekend :o) We ate dinner on the dock of Lake Washington; were personally driven to the most scenic (and often little known) views of Seattle; took a wonderful touristy amphibious vehicle tour; and took a ferry across Puget Sound. We want to move there, and we want to move there now :oD

For the sake of everyone, including my sanity, here is a link the flickr set. I cannot be bothered to A) pick which to post, there are just too many, and B) post them all >.<
