Weeks ago, I mentioned I was going to an Eddie Izzard show. It was awesome :o) The show was called Stripped, and I guess you might say it was his satirical interpretation of the evolution of man and religion. I loved the fact that he said that Americans are wacko about their religion. It wasn't necessarily his funniest show ever, but I very much enjoyed it. I was surprised at the some of the little bits he threw in. I can't remember hardly any of them now, but he mentioned the (at the time) upcoming release of the new iphone, and several geek culture things. The one thing that annoyed me a bit was that he had this one joke with a lengthy and slightly repetitive setup that he used several times. After the 3rd or so time I couldn't help but sit there thinking, "We get it already." Apparently, however, out of the four of us, I was the only one bothered by it. So it's probably in my head :o) During the show he made mention to the fact that he is a transvestite, but left it at that. He wasn't particularly dressed in drag, so I took it as a way of saying, "No I didn't make the whole thing up for the 80s and 90s." He was wearing a pair of jeans, nice black shoes with a slight heel, grey shirt, and a black tailored jacket/coat that was short and fitted in the front with long tails in the back. The lining of the coat was a deep red. I personally think he looked very good! I felt it was a very attractive compromise of transvestite and taking-my-television-and-movie-career-seriously. And I will the first to admit... the current Eddie Izzard, you know, the one with short dark hair and goatee... very sexy.

Ooooo! I found someone on flickr who took pictures of the show (different venue).
Also, we got a kitteh! I can't say that without grinning :o) Alec and I have been dying for a pet. We both grew up with a steady stream of cats and dogs, and it felt empty not to have an adorable animal on which to lavish obscene amounts of affection. We've been dragging our heels on it though. Alec is mildly allergic to cats, and our current location is not suitable for our type (mostly his type, I'm a cat person through and through) of dog. I will just be honest; I do not want a dog if I would have to walk it. I want to be able to let it out the back door and be done with it. If I had to walk a dog every time it needed to use the bathroom I would grow resentful, and no pet deserves that. So... it just wasn't an option. Besides, neither of us particularly wanted a lap dog, he would want at least lab sized. We BOTH wanted a cat, but the allergies kept stopping us. However, the one strong BUT was the fact that Alec was not allergic to Kira -- who has since died... by the way :o.. About a month ago. She had disappeared for a couple days, an Mom was starting to get worried. She woke up in the middle of the night and had a horrible feeling so she went searching the yard with a flashlight. She found her curled up at the base of the tree toward the front of the yard. She probably had been there a day or so. We don't know why she died, seeing as she hadn't been attacked, but also hadn't been acting ill. It was sad :o.. But anyway... -- So Alec wasn't allergic to Kira, and we had hopes that we could magically find another cat that wouldn't cause him to suffer. We started looking around pet finder and found some Maine Coon (mix) kittens. After a quick search about them, they are supposedly gentler on allergy sufferers. It didn't take long for us to lose all willpower against the cute fluffiness. We went the next day and picked out Lillah, who came home with us the next week :o) We bought a couple of air purifiers for the living room and the computer room (where we spend 90% of our time) and Alec has been taking Claritin as a preventative. BUT! Yesterday he forgot, and it wasn't until the evening that he started to get slight scratching in his throat that reminded him he didn't take it that morning. We are encouraged. Without a doubt, we couldn't have asked for a better kitty. She is isn't afraid of people, and LOVES to snuggle. She makes these wonderful little chirpy noises, purrs everytime we pick her up, and doesn't mind when I kiss on her or play with her feet. Oh, and her favorite sound is a d20 hitting the table ;o) *squeeeeeepop!*